Productivity and Profitability Media Series

Integrating Livestock into Mixed Farming: Summer Nutrition

Agrista Episode 18

Welcome to episode 18 of the MLA Productivity and Profitability media series. This episode features Ed Riggall from AgPro Management. Ed and I will dive into integrating livestock into mixed farming systems with the main focus on summer nutrition. 

Your host, Ellie Hays and Ed briefly discuss on a life on a consultant before diving into summer nutrition, feed requirements for sheep, different grains and much more.

To find out more on anything was discussed throughout this podcast, visit AgPro Management website Alternatively you can email Ed via for any resources mentioned.

To watch our webinar with Ed head to: Productivity & Profitability series | Meat & Livestock Australia (

This episode is brought to you by Agrista in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia.