Productivity and Profitability Media Series

Shawn McGrath - Do dual-purpose crops add value?

Agrista Episode 8

Welcome to episode 8 of the MLA Productivity and Profitability media series. This episode features Shawn McGrath from Charles Sturt University. Shawn talks about the role of dual-purpose crops in livestock production businesses. 

Your host, Tanisha Shields and Shawn discuss the benefits of dual-purpose crops, when to sow a dual-purpose crops and how to manage grazing with different livestock species. We also discuss the complexities associated with dual purpose crops and how they alter the feed production curve for your business. 

To watch our webinar with Shawn head to: Productivity & Profitability series | Meat & Livestock Australia (

To learn more about grazing dual-purpose crops head to: grazing-cropped-land-a-summary-of-the-latest-information-on-grazing-winter-crops-from-the-grain-and-graze-program-2016.pdf.pdf (

This episode is brought to you by Agrista in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia.