Productivity and Profitability Media Series

SPECIAL EDITION - Managing the late break in 2024

Episode 11

Welcome to episode 11 of the MLA Productivity and Profitability media series. This special edition episode features Dr Shane Thompson from Holbrook Vet Clinic, Ed Rigall from AgPro Management and Felicity Turner from Turner Agriservices. In this episode we discuss the business, pasture and livestock management considerations when managing a late seasonal break or failed autumn period. 

Your host, Tanisha Shields speaks to the specialist panel about the importance of assessing and managing business risk to make informed decisions to manage the failed autumn. We discuss how to conduct a supplementary feeding analysis, including which stock to feed and for how long and prioritisation of reducing numbers. The expert panel talk about what to consider to promote pasture growth during winter and into spring and the fertiliser budgeting implications for this season and looking ahead for next year. 

We also cover the animal health and nutritional requirements during the winter period and how to manage lambing and calving with limited feed. Confinement feeding is discussed as a strategy to manage livestock and pastures through to spring.

Some key messages from the panel:
"No plan survives first contact - you've just gotta keep planning" Ed

"The only thing worse than feeding, is feeding and not achieving the outcome" Shane

"Be kind to yourself and look after our mates" Felicity

To find out more about containment feeding, listen to our webinar and podcast here: or at Webinars + Podcasts - Agrista

More information about managing livestock nutrition can be found at:  

This episode is brought to you by Agrista in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia.